"The Lord is risen" and "Seek the things that are above" are the great slogans of the Easter season, the first from the early witnesses and the second from St. Paul. It is our joy and our spiritual work to put them together, to realize that Jesus' resurrection is our rising as well. We were buried with him in baptism so that we also might rise to newness of life. Let us step into the Presence of the Risen Lord and let him unburden us from anything that holds us back from the lightness and flourishing for which God created each of us..
Fr. C
God Is Love
Many times children ask their parents, "What is love?" We as adults know that love is the most precious thing in Heaven and on earth. We are taught that love is to wish what is good for another who is in need of it. We love when we care about others who are in need of our generous and unselfish caring for them.
Our Father Francis thought of God as our good Father. In his discovery of Christ in the Gospel, Francis found that Christ was continually called on by His Father, doing all things for love of His Father. Jesus makes all of us His brothers and sisters, and He gives us His Father.
So very often, people do ask, "What is love?" We all know that love is the most precious thing in Heaven and here on earth. In order to love someone is really to wish and to want what is good for him or her. Truly, to love is to will what is good for another. We can't give them what they wish, we have to make a judgment as to what is really good. Therefore, we must always be alert and caring about the needs for others. We must be generous and unselfish in fulfilling them, and we need to remember that greatest love has its limits. Christ deals with people according to the time He had.
We have said from our Franciscan hearts that the very first emphasis of Franciscan spirituality is the fact that God is love. The second is that our Lord Jesus Christ is our brother in the love of God -- and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. So, let us always remember that Christ is not only God; He is man with a real body, mind, will, and emotions. He is just like all of us here -- as Secular Franciscans and all of His brothers and sisters -- except in sin and any personal result of sin. So, let us never forget the theme: "Behind it all -- in it all -- through it all -- is the God who is love." Blessed be our God because He is good.
May we always remember the words of our Father Francis when he sang this song of the Good News from the King of Kings: "God is love, God is my Father, Christ is my Brother, who gives us life, saves us, and brings us to the Kingdom of the Good God, our Father." Every action we perform, therefore, must somehow be an act of loyal love for the King.
In closing, let us pray with our Father Francis for all priests, that they may continue to carry on the work of Jesus which we all need so very much. We pray that through the intercession of our Lady, she will wrap our mantle around all our priests and strengthen them for their ministry. May our priests be holy and seek always the greater glory and salvation of souls. We thank God for all priests who responded to His call to the priestly ministry, and may St. John Vianney -- our Universal Patron of Priests, pray for all priests, especially those of our Sacred Heart Church. Amen!
Faith the Waltz of Life
I remember my first dance lesson. The instructor kept telling me to relax and let him lead; but somehow I could not do it. I needed to be in charge. My dance lesson became a reflection on how I lived my life, always wanting to be control. Unlike dancing, we need to loosen up, trust in your partner, and let him lead. Soon with practice the once rigid movement becomes a fluid beautiful dance, you and your partner become one.
Faith is like learning to dance. You must learn to trust your partner, the Lord. Let go, abandon your fears and let Him take the lead. Faith needs to be practiced. The more you practice the more united you become. Soon after, united with the Lord become one through the Waltz of life.
Like the Waltz there are ups and downs, twists ad turns but with Jesus as your partner you can’t go wrong. So relax, let him lead, you may step on his toes every now and then it does not matter. He wants you to keep practicing!
Keep dancing, practice and live your faith
Prayer for Imitating St. Francis
Collect from St. Francis’ Feast Day, October 4th
Loving God,
You helped our seraphic father Francis
reflect the image of Christ
through a life of poverty and humility.
May we follow your Son
by walking in the footsteps
of Francis of Assisi
and by imitating his joyful love.
Grant it through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
forever and ever.
Collect from St. Francis’ Feast Day, October 4th
Loving God,
You helped our seraphic father Francis
reflect the image of Christ
through a life of poverty and humility.
May we follow your Son
by walking in the footsteps
of Francis of Assisi
and by imitating his joyful love.
Grant it through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
forever and ever.
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